Are you getting enough salt?

Plus: Are artificial sweeteners ruining your gut?

Thursday. Even Jeff Bezos knows when to call it quits. Amazon is giving up on its cashier-less “Just Walk Out” technology at grocery stores (READ MORE). I guess people weren’t ready to just grab some dill pickles and walk right out of the store without feeling like they were doing something wrong. The whole thing feels too sci-fi to me. Give me a cashier to make small talk with. Give me a bag boy to begrudgingly and haphazardly throw my groceries into plastic bags for his summer job. I don’t want to feel like I am walking into some high-tech vending machine. 

Speaking of groceries, here is a helpful shopping list with 110 foods unlikely to spike your blood sugar (GET THE LIST). 

Boom! Now that we got all that out of the way, let’s talk about sodium and whether you might be deficient. Let’s dive in. 

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Today’s Menu 🌿

  • 🧂 Are You Sodium Deficient?

  • Artificial Sweeteners and Gut Health—What You Need To Know.

  • The Daily Recipe 😋

  • An Easy Way To Get The Right Salt In Your Diet

  • ❤️ A Little Kindness Goes A Long Way

Read Time: 4 minutes

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Are You Sodium Deficient?

Feeling off during your workout or foggy while planning your day might not just be about stress or poor sleep; it could be a sign you're not getting enough sodium. Yes, you read that right: sodium, salt, the nutrient so many of us have been told to cut back on, might actually be what your body is craving. Especially if you lead a healthy, active lifestyle (ahem—Daily Tonic readers), chances are you might be experiencing sodium deficiency without even realizing it. 

Contrary to popular belief, sodium isn't something we should all avoid. It's an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in our health, helping with everything from brain function to muscle strength. Sure, you’ll see “low-sodium” and “reduced-sodium” plastered all over your favorite “health foods,” but those labels could be very misleading. 

When people embark on low-carb or Paleo diets or commit to regular fasting, they might not realize they're also significantly reducing their sodium intake. Our bodies lose sodium not just when we sweat during exercise but also through the natural process of living an active lifestyle. And while it's true that consuming too much sodium can be harmful, not getting enough can be just as bad, if not worse.

The idea that sodium is an enemy has been deeply ingrained in our minds, but it's really that simple. Fear of salt has led many to develop a sodium deficiency without realizing it. Though undoubtedly healthier than processed options, whole foods typically contain minimal sodium. This means that those who stick to these diets need to find their sodium elsewhere, often by reaching for the salt shaker more often than they might think is necessary.

But how do you know if you're sodium deficient? Some common symptoms include headaches, feeling weak or low in energy, muscle cramps, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, and even simply craving salt. 

If these sound familiar, it might be time to reassess your sodium intake. Again, I'm totally not a doctor, and this is totally not any sort of medical advice, but increasing your sodium could lead to a noticeable improvement in how you feel, both physically and mentally. And you don't have to take my word for it—try consuming some salty foods like pickles when you're feeling sluggish, and see if you notice a difference.

The fear surrounding sodium intake largely stems from concerns over blood pressure and heart health. While it's true that people with hypertension might benefit from moderating their sodium intake, for those with normal blood pressure, the risks of not consuming enough sodium could outweigh the potential benefits of cutting back.

Remember—living a healthy lifestyle doesn't just mean eating whole foods and exercising regularly; it also means ensuring your body gets all the essential nutrients it needs, including key minerals like sodium. So, before passing on the salt, consider whether you need a bit more sodium in your diet. 

After all, maintaining the right balance of electrolytes is critical to feeling your best. Whether you're an athlete losing sodium through sweat or someone on a low-carb diet, monitoring your sodium intake is essential to prevent deficiency and ensure you feel your best. 

The key takeaway? Don't let sodium deficiency throw you off your game. Be mindful of your body's signals, and don't be afraid to add more salt to your life if that's what you need to stay balanced. Remember, like everything in nutrition, it's all about finding the right balance that works for your body and not just blindly following some of the fear-based recommendations that have become commonplace in the health and nutrition space. 

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