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  • You aren't overeating protein, regardless of what Vox has to say.

You aren't overeating protein, regardless of what Vox has to say.

Plus: Big Tobacco is still screwing us.


Are You Eating Too Much Protein? (Probably Not) 

It seems everyone has a strong opinion these days when it comes to nutrition and what you should and shouldn’t eat. Is meat a good source of critical nutrients, or does it lead to heart disease and cancer? Are all carbs bad? Is keto the way to go? Are vegetables even healthy anymore? How much water is too much water? 

Put those questions in the Google machine, and you are bound to find some conflicting information. This is why so many people struggle with nutrition—there is just too much information out there, and making heads or tails of it all isn’t always as simple as you would think. 

This brings us to a recent article put out by Vox. The headline reads:

Ugh—here is why they got it wrong. 

This headline alone could easily make you second-guess your diet choices, especially if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle. But if you dig just a little deeper and understand what the science actually says about protein consumption, you quickly realize that Vox might be missing the forest for the trees. Or they have a specific agenda they are trying to push. Either way, they got this one wrong.

Recent research overwhelmingly supports the idea that higher amounts of protein are not only safe but also beneficial for various aspects of health (READ THE STUDY). This includes everything from supporting muscle gain and fat loss to aiding healthy aging. Contrary to the warnings that only bodybuilders need to prioritize protein, it turns out that we can all benefit from making this nutrient a key part of our meals.

The confusion around protein intake often stems from outdated guidelines. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) set by the National Academy of Sciences back in 1980 suggests a daily protein intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, this recommendation is based on data that's now four decades old and doesn't reflect the extensive research that has happened since then. Science, after all, should be about evolution and adapting our understanding as new information becomes available. Apparently, the National Academy of Sciences hasn’t gotten the memo. 

More recent studies, including updated systematic reviews and meta-analyses (READ THE STUDY), point to a "sweet spot" for daily protein intake that's actually double the outdated RDA suggestion. Adults should aim for 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for optimal health benefits, including improved body composition and exercise performance. 

This increased intake is particularly important during weight loss, as it helps control blood glucose levels and improve blood lipid profiles more effectively than lower protein diets. It’s also worth noting that these guidelines are not just for the young or physically active; older adults can also see significant benefits from doubling their protein intake, helping to maintain muscle mass and overall health as they age.

The key takeaway? The key to a healthy diet is not to shy away from protein but to embrace it as part of a balanced, whole-foods-based diet. If we look at the latest research, we can navigate through some of the misleading information places like Vox are putting out and make informed choices that actually support our health and well-being.

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